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Writer's picture: Midwife PipMidwife Pip

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

What a whirlwind. NB: Long birth story- original pref VBAC actual birth emergency c-section.

I was up for 4 hours with very manageable contractions Tues night but then it calmed down and I slept for two hours and woke without any obvious goings on. I had a bloody show at 0800am Wednesday morning, lost my mucous plug 3pm with random contractions in btw. Then some fresh blood around 4pm so was heading to triage to get checked. 20 mins before we left I felt waters go and leaked my way to the hospital. I started to contract regularly, but was sort of in denial. I arrived at 1800 ISH and was in established labour at 5cm dialated by 1930. Arriving into a suite, I tried to unstiffen myself after being on a ctg on a bed in the assessment unit but this didn't last long as baby was not happy with my upright/open/ fwd positions. Baby was high in pelvis and there was a small bag of bulging waters, which I consented to being broken with a long hook, this did encourage baby's head a bit lower too.

Undiscussed Emotions of Motherhood

I was up for 4 hours with very manageable contractions Tues night but then it calmed down and I slept for two hours and woke without any obvious goings on. I had a bloody show at 0800am Wednesday morning, lost my mucous plug 3pm with random contractions in btw. Then some fresh blood around 4pm so was heading to triage to get checked. 20 mins before we left I felt waters go and leaked my way to the hospital. I started to contract regularly, but was sort of in denial. I arrived at 1800 ISH and was in established labour at 5cm dialated by 1930. Arriving into a suite, I tried to unstiffen myself after being on a CTG on a bed in the assessment unit but this didn't last long as baby was not happy with my upright/open/ fwd positions. Baby was high in pelvis and there was a small bag of bulging waters, which I consented to being broken with a long hook, this did encourage baby's head a bit lower too.

I did some left side lying on the bed and got to 6/7cm fairly quickly. However, baby was no longer happy with this position, the surgeon started to visit and mention the c-section word. The anaesthetist however would not operate before 6hrs had elapsed from my 1730pm dinner. So I got a bit more time and found another position on the bed that seemed ok for baby and I was left to labour for a while. Some of the toughest bits were being on a bed and the examinations (at least 5 by two different surgeons- though hypnobreathing and my Christian Hypno tracks helped me to relax I still found them painful) as well as three attempts to get the spinal in due to my intense contractions just before meeting my baby.

I was given two recommended routes as decelerations were concerning again. Route 1 if I was 10cm we would head to get baby's LOT head manually turned in theatre and then trial of forceps I suspect. However, at the next two checks I was 8cm. So around 1100pm due to increasing decelerations it was decided I would be checked once more in theatre and if not fully dialated go ahead with c-section. However, the aneathetist was busy for the next two hours. Contractions really ramped up, but I was stuck in a seated position on the bed unable to move or open up fully. Baby arrived at 01:43am via emergency C-section and although for some reason the drape didn't get dropped (there were a variety of characters in theatre) and there was a slight delay for skin to skin as they had popped an oxygen monitor on her ankle as it took a time to register the reading. Her dark head of hair was soon on my chest with apgars 9-10-10 respectively. I held her but was shaking so much my husband took over cuddle duty after a while, while I was being put back together.

I got a fab picture of my placenta taken for me. I did eventually get her cord tie on, though the midwives were not confident doing this and were worried trimming the umbilical cord- if the plastic clamp had been removed, could cause bleeding, it was a the head of the midwife team who did our newborn checks. She tightened the tie and trimmed the super long umbilical cord and original clamp off the next day before I left the hospital.

My daughter's first breastfeed was 2 hours long! Which was so encouraging, that she was awake, hungry and able to latch well, inspite of her route into my arms.

It wasn't the journey I would have chosen, but I felt informed and understood the whys and what's this time. I also, wanted to feel I had made a real attempt at a VBAC, which I definitely did- my contractions felt so different this time wrapping round my back and uterus strongly, they were only in my back last time as my first was back to back. Don't get me wrong, it has def triggered some memories of my previous birth where I had such a sense of deep disappointment in myself but also helplessness.

However, the joy of meeting my daughter and not feeling disappointed in myself or my preferences made such a difference this time round, despite being so far from my desired preferences.

Thank you Pip for your course, for not shying away from the challenges birth can present but also valuing all the routes it can take to birth our babies. I feel strong and powerful, and even empowered, though there were many things I had little control over, sore and full of love for how I birthed our daughter

with love from Midwife Pip

p.s. have you checked out Midwife Pips Courses

The Author: Midwife Pip

Midwife Pip

Pip is a Mum, Podcaster and practicing Midwife in the UK, currently working as a Delivery Suite Sister she has a wealth of experience supporting parents-to-be through all aspects of pregnancy, birth and the postpartum. Pip has trained and worked in some of the leading maternity units, has completed a master's programme and is passionate about all aspects of women's health and wellness.


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