I was told that my baby was going to be a big baby and I had the choice of induction or caesarean because she had to come before week 40. Initially I chose to be induced because everyone told me that I should have a ‘natural’ birth even though it felt wrong to me. After crying to my partner and mulling it over a couple of days, I called the hospital on the Wednesday and went to see a consultant on the Thursday. There they booked me in for a caesarean on the following Tuesday morning and I couldn’t have felt more happier.
Tuesday morning came and I was so excited, no nerves at all (I’d been on the hospital app looking at the process of the operation and everything). As soon as we walked in at 07:00 we were both into a gown and scrubs and waiting for doctors and consultants to come round. We were told we were number two and I was even more excited knowing she was coming in the morning. Our time came to go into theatre, the midwife took a picture of myself and my partner outside (she said our last before we became fully fledged parents) and then was told to hang on as there was an emergency caesarean that needed our theatre. An hour later we were back in and I was on the bed waiting for a spinal. They put our music on the speaker (I’d pre-made a playlist of music I wanted our daughter to come out to). The spinal was in and within seconds I was numb and all ready to go. As I was asking the anaesthetist what all the numbers meant on the machine, I heard crying …. She was here!
After that, I don’t remember anything about the closing up of my stomach I was just obsessed with her. The anaesthetist actually video’d her coming out of my stomach so I could see what was happening and she took so many photos for us. I could honestly have not wished for a better birthing experience than I did. For those people who are told how they should have their babies, don’t listen. You know your body and what is right for you and baby. My daughter is 10 weeks today and I would do it all over again tomorrow.